he total poultry population in Ethiopia is estimated to be 56.5
million (ILCA, 1993). Despite the fact that 99 A of the poultry
population in Ethiopia consists of local birds (Alamargot, 1987)
their contribution to farm household and national incomes is no
in proportion to the high numbers. f ,
Rural poultry production represents a significant part of
national economy in general and the rural economy m particular.
This segment of production represents an asset value of US S 5.73
billion in Africa as a whole (Sonaiya, 1990). A number of
authors, including Veluw (1987), Sonaiya (1990) and Gunaratne
et al (1992), have outlined that rural poultry play a significant role
through their contribution to the cultural and social life of rural
people For a belter understanding of the role played by pou try in
the lives of rural people, it is necessary to know exactly the
purposes f o r which households keep poultry.