Until recently aphids have not been of great importance as crop
pests in Ethiopia, The exceptions were the Cotton Aphid (Aphis
gossypii Glover) which frequently needs chemical control and
the Cabbage Aghid (Brevicoryne brassicae (Linnaeus)) which is damaging to
cabbages in certain seasons.
Recently, however, other apecies have cone into prominence,
notably the Russian Wheat Aphid (Diuraphis noxius Mordvillco)
and the Maize Aphid (Rhopalosiphum maidis Pitch ) on barley and
the various virus vectors on pepper, citrus and other horticultural
Efforts are being made, therefore, to build an expertly
identified local collection of aphids so that speciments can be
determined in Ethiopia and not sent every time to foreign
museums. As part of thift exercise a list of species recorded
from Ethiopia has been compiled from the literature and from ficlfli
collections and is given below. The names have been corrected in
accordance with the recent book of Eastop & Hilie Ris Lambers (1976)
but the f$rm in which they were originally cited is also given.
The sources of information are:
1. The collections in Eritrea "by De Lotto & Nastasi (1955) an<3- De Lotto
(1947, 1948, 1949, 1950).
2# The collections made in eastern Harer Province by Hill (1966),
3, The collections made by Schmutterer (l97l) in eastern Welega and western
Harer Provinces#
4* The collections made by US Regional Insect Control Project (Gentiy, 1965)*
5* The collections made by the IRAT Agronomists at Awasa, This collection
is now at the Holotta Station of IAR, unmounted, in vials. There is no
record of where, or by whom it was determined. Dr. Eastop Kindly
confirmed the determinations of Nos, 3, 40, 48 and 55,
6, The colletiono of IAR Entomologists from 1968 to 1981 inclusive. These
were determined by the Commonwealth Institute of Entomology and the
CIE List number is quoted.
7- Eastop's study of East African aphids (Eastop, 195$)
The first editions of this list, dated May 1979» was submitted to
Dr, V,F, Eastop of the British Museum (Natural History). On his advice we
have delated species from the original list because they were almost
certainly mi si dent if ied and we have added <Jno species that had been overlooked.
In October 1979 and in February 1981 a further collection of aphids
was determined for us by CIE, Three new species records from this collection
are also incorporated into this revised list.