Agriculture is the backbone of the Ethiopian economy. The sector determines the
growth of all other sectors and consequently the whole economy. It constitutes
over 50% of the gross domestic product (GDP), accounts for over 85% of the
labor force and earns over 90% of the foreign exchange. On average, crop
production makes up 60% of the sector’s outputs. The sector is dominated by
small-scale farmers who practice rain-fed mixed farming based on traditional
technology. Land area under smallholding accounts for 95% of the total
agricultural land, and the smallholder system is responsible for more than 90% of
the total agricultural output.
The productivity of crops is severely threatened by various factors in which pests
(diseases, insect pests, weeds and migratory pests) are taking the lion share. Crop
losses due to pests are a serious concern where in most cases small holder farmers
have limitation both in technical know-how and financial resources to apply
effective and sustainable pest control tactics and reduce crop damage. Apart from
the yield loss, pests also affect the quality of agricultural products, where the
concern of food safety, environmental pollution and market competence are
becoming issues for various stakeholders in the product value chain that includes
growers, traders, consumers and policy makers.
Considering the current plant protection problems, the plant protection directorate
has been re-structured in 2019. During the restructuring, national programs were
identified, and research strategy developed. Accordingly, Plant Pathology,
Agricultural Entomology, Weed Science, Quarantine and Pesticide research are
the identified national programs under the directorate. Both basic and applied
research has been conducted during the last three years to generate information
and technology towards effective and sustainable pest management. Several
information and technologies that can be used by the various beneficiaries have
been generated. Apart from generation of technologies and information, the
various national programs provide services associated with identification of
diseases, insects and weeds. Moreover, quarantine and pesticide efficacy services
are also provided by the directorate for the various national and international
The information presented in this proceeding is aimed at availing information and
technology generated in plant protection research directorate for use by the
various users engaged in agricultural research and development.