Maize (Zeta mays) is one of the most important cereal crop in the world
which is ranked second to wheat production, first in Africa and Latin
America but third after rice and wheat in Asia. It is grown over an area
of 140 million hectares with production of six million tons annually. In
Ethiopia, It is grows on over 2 million hectares and ranked first among
cereal in total production and productivity. The total production is
estimated to be about 60 million quintals. The Hybrid maize has
excellent yield potential of 120 q/ha in research and about 60 q/ha in
farmer's demonstration field but national average yield is about 29.5
q/ha. All maize produced in Ethiopia is consumed directly as human
food in different forms supplying the highest level of per capita food
consumption amounting to about 50 kg/year and over 40% of daily
calorie intake.