Maize hybrids yield better than open-pollinated varieties(
OPVs). However, they have not been used widely for
their higher input and management requirements, which most
small holding farmers cannot afford. Fertilizer is one of the
complementary inputs for optimum yield from hybrids.
Fertilizer use, however, has been constrained by exorbitant
cost and supply/deli very problems. Hence, vai raers around'
Bako apply 10 kg ha'1 of N and 25 kg ha-1 of >'20 5 on maize,
while the recommended rate is 100 kg ha'1 Of N and 50 kg ha‘l
Of P2^5 •
On-station yield trials using BH-140 hybrid maize showed that
it has adapted the area and is giving better yield. The performance
of BH-140 under farmers’ management was not
verified. Consequently, in 1992 BH-140 was compared with
two OPVs; namely Beletech and local Burrie in farmers’ fields
around Bako. Maize types differed significantly in yield
potential. BH-140, Beletech, and local Burrie yielded 37.08,
34.33, and 32.17 q harespectively. BH-140 was more liked
by farmers for its early maturity, lodging tolerance and
prolificacy. Production of BH-140 was also highly profitable.