In Southern Nation Nationalities and Peoples Regional State (SNNPR), 90% of
the total population depends on agriculture as a source of food, cash income, as
industry inputs row material and for export. SNNPR is a large region in
Ethiopia (about 112,323.19 sq. km) accounting for more than 10% of the
country’s surface area (CSA) estimated population of 18 million (CSA, 2006).
It is overwhelming rural population, with only 8% living in urban areas. The
region is divided into 14 administrative zones, 133 woredas, and 3512 kebeles.
SNNPR contains a huge variety of ethnic groups - as many as 56 with their
own languages, cultures, beliefs, traditions, rituals and social identities living
The region encompasses both densely populated, intensively cultivated
agricultural highlands (including high levels of coffee production) and pastoral
lowland areas These very different environments present different challenges
for resource management.
A traditional, subsistence farming system is the main livelihood in the region,
especially in the highland areas, with farmers managing both crops and
livestock. Because of its diverse agro-ecologies, climates, soil types and
cultural practices, the region is the home to many varieties of food crops, in
particular maize, wheat, tef barley, root crops and enset and livestock
resources for milk, meat, egg, fish and honey production and used as draught
power plough (mares ha) in the region. The Agricultural Growth Program
(AGP-II) is operating in 157 and 35 woredas in the country in SNNPRS
respectively. Its operation is being conducted based on the objectives of the
second growth and transformation program (GTP-II). The research component
of the AGP-II (component II) provides support to the agricultural research
system with the objective of developing/generating and promoting agricultural
technologies for inclusive and sustainable market oriented smallholder
agricultural growth in potential areas of the country in a manner that addresses
the needs of women and youth. Four sub-components are addressed by the
research system. These include: technology generation and adaptation in crop,
livestock and natural resource, agricultural information and value addition of
selected commodities in socioeconomics research, pre extension demonstration
and popularization of die adapted technologies, source technology multiplication/production, and capacity development to support the above subcomponents.
The sub components and each activity under them address three
cross cutting issues: gender, climate, and nutrition.
South Agricultural Research Institute (SARI) through its 6 research centers has
been conducting a total o f 209 research activities approved so as to address
production constraint problem in 35 Districts/Woredas in the region. Of these
86 research activities selected from pipeline technologies and other 123
research activities iniated after production constraint asssesment in the project
woredas. All activities were developed based on GTP II. From these, 97 were
crop research activities, 47were designed to improve the production,
productivity of livestock and the remaining 49 activities aimed to improve the
natural resource management, and to reduce degradation of fragile soil and
ecosystems improvement 16 activities socioeconomic research activities. In
addition, there are 101 activities associated with source technology
multiplication and pre extension demonstration and popularization of elite
technologies are under implementation. Totally 310 activities were
implemented and of these about 120 were completed and other activities are in
good progress based agricultural prodoction consraint assesments idenfied.
In crop production: crop pests (disease, insea pest and weed), lack of improv ed
seed, lack of improved technology, high soil acidity in high land areas, decline
of soil fertility, lack of awareness on crop pests and their managements*
shortage of land and lack to access in modern irrigation schemes were the
major constraints raised by farmers and identified through Held observation.
In livestock production the major problems identified are: shortage forages,
improved breeds, animal health (livestock diseases and parasites) and
management.The identified natural resource (soil, water, forest) management
constraints and practices are reported under four categories: soil fertility
management, soil and water conservation, small-scale irrigation management,
and forestry and agro-forestry management.
To ensure effective implementation of the project and achieve the specific and
broader objectives, diagnosing the agricultural production constraints and
technology demand of beneficiary small holder farmers of project command
areas, together with key stakeholders, is the most important part of research)
planning. Conducting research on the constraints identified by researchers,
farmers, and extension workers would have a significant contribution towards
solving the problems and technology adoption, TTierefore, South Agricultural
Research Institute (SARI) with concerned stakeholders has exhaustively undertaken survey to identify agricultural production constraints in all project
woredas. Base up on the result of the assessment research, pre extention
demonstration (PED) and source technology multiplication activities were
proposed and on implementation.