Enset-based farming systems survey was undertaken in the three selected
Peasant Associations namely Daho, Bolla and Woyied, of Kucha wereda in
Gomo Gofa zone. A multidisciplinary team of researchers from Awasa
Agricultural Research Center and Kucha, Integrated Rural Development
Program (KIRP) was involved in the survey.
The major objectives of the study were to characterize and analyze enset
based farming systems of Kucha wereda and identify agricultural
production constraints in general and enset production constraints in
particular in order to design short, medium and long term interventions
that would improve agricultural productivity and consequently the
livelihood of the community.
To meet the envisaged objectives, both formal and informal survey
methodologies were employed to collect the necessary data for this study.
Trained enumerators interviewed 92 sample households, 30 farmers per
PAs. The collected survey data were analyzed writh a computer software
package known as SPSS 10.0 version for windows.
The enset-based farming system of the three PAs were characterized and
analyzed. Opportunities and constraints of the study area were identified.
All demographic, socio-economic, religion, educational status and
indigenous farmers’ knowledge were documented.
Agriculture is the basis for household economy. Nevertheless, farmers use
traditional method of farming and agricultural production in the area is
mainly for subsistence requirement. The major crop grown in the area
includes maize, tef, haricot bean, enset, sweet potato, cassava, coffee,
groundnut, Irish potato, wheat, barely and sorghum in their order of
importance. However, the average productivity of these crops was below
the national average. Livestock production is equally an important sources
income for the farmers. Farmers use traditional methods of animal
husbandry and they were unable to get modern veterinary services.
The result of the survey revealed that enset production systems in the
area showed a declining trend as compared with the previous years. The
main reasons for this were the existence of bacterial wilt disease, dead
heartleaf rot, corm rot, wild animals; heavy dependence on enset,
recurrent drought; use of traditional processing and storage techniques,
less number of enset clones, poor soil fertility, sloppy nature of the
cultivable land and soil erosion. Although livestock contributes a lot for
the household economy, its production is affected by the prevalence of
diseases and pests like trypanosomes, anthrax, black leg, alkite and
seasonal feed shortage. Farmers in the study area do not have access to agricultural credit, improved market place due to roads and transportation
problems, lack of animal and human health services.
In order to alleviate the problem of inset diseases especially inset bacterial
wilt, provision of training about the nature, source, cause, and
transmission mechanism of the disease to inset farmers and development
agents and a follow-up implementation of community based sanitary and
cultural control measure considered to be a high and immediate priority
interventions. Because no enset clones so far are found resistant,
introduction of enset clones having better tolerant reaction to the disease
envisaged to be an important task in augmenting the sanitary control
Introduction and demonstration of improved crop varieties of different
types, provision of credit, improving the marketing conditions in the area
is essential. In addition, introduction of improved enset processing devices
is important solution to reduce rural women’s workload is the major short term interventions for the area.