Ethiopia occupies the major part of the Horn of Africa. The country covers
approximately 1.1 I million square kilometers and shares boundary with Eritrea,
Sudan, Kenya, Somalia and Djibouti. It is located between 3° and 15°N latitudes and
33° and 48° E longitudes.The altitude ranges from the depressions in the Afar (126
m below sea level) to the spectacular mountain tops of Ras Dashen in the north
with an altitude of 4620 m a.s.l. and Tullu Dimtu of Bale Mountains in the southeast
with an elevation of 4377 m a.s.l. The major physiographic features of the country
are a massive highland complex of mountains and plateaus divided by the Great
Rift Valley and surrounded by lowlands along the periphery. It is a country of great
geographical and climatic diversity, with varied ecological conditions.