Agriculture is the main means of livelihood in Ethiopia and livestock
contributes about 43.5% of the agricultural GDP (NABC, 2010).
Livestock production systems in Ethiopia can be broadly categorized into
mixed crop-livestock, pastoral and agro-pastoral, and urban and periurban
production systems (Azage Tegegne, et al., 2010). Globally, mixed
farming systems produce the largest share of the total milk (90%), meat
(54%) and it is the main system of production for smallholder farmers in
many developing countries (Sere and Steinfeld. 1996). The Ethiopian
highlands comprises about 40% of the country's land area, inhabit nearly
90% of the human population and 70-75 % of the livestock population of
the country (Mohamed-Saleem and Abate, 1995; Zinash et al., 2001) and
hold about 95% of the cropped area (Zinash et al., 2001). They are
characterized by predominantly subsistence smallholder crop-livestock
mixed production system, in which they are interrelated and
complementary. As an integral component of the overall farming
systems, livestock husbandry is being practiced for food, fiber, draft
power and cash income. Livestock provide: inputs (draft power,
transport, and manure for crop production), saleable outputs (milk and
milk products, meat, eggs, manure/dung and hides and skins) and has
asset, security and investment functions in the farming systems. Despite
the importance of livestock, the performance of the sector has been
challenged with various constraints. The low quality and quantity of feed
resources and seasonal fluctuations of feed resources form the greatest
constraint to improving the productivity of livestock in sub Saharan
Africa (Winrock International, 1992). In Ethiopia feed in the major
challenge of livestock production, where natural pasture and crop residues are the major sources of feed supply (Seyoum and Zinash, 1995;
Zerihun, 2002). These feed resources are inadequate quantitatively and
qualitatively to support reasonable livestock production (Mohamed-
Saleem and Abate, 1995). In response to this challenge, national and
international research institutions over the past decades have developed
many fodder production, management and utilization technological
options suitable for smallholder farmers to complement the available feed
resources for livestock. But they have rarely been adopted by smallholder
producers. Development projects have also introduced fodder banks and
alternative cropping patterns to help introduce new fodder varieties
Alemayehu Mengistu, 1997) and feeding systems. Quite a number of >
iseful forages have been recommended for the different agro-ecological
zones and production systems although the adoption rate is extremely
ow. Currently, the contribution of improved cultivated fodder used as
mimal feed in Ethiopia was also reported very small (about 0.6%) (CSA,
>012). On the other hand, there are many available good practices related
o improved fodder production and utilization that can be practical to
promote its application in many similar areas in the sub region. However,
he available best practices remain isolated in pockets and adopted by few
farmers in central highlands of Ethiopia. This requires proper analysis
and understanding of success factors and challenges of these best
jractices of fodder production and utilization. T hese best practices could
)e well adapted in many other areas with similar production and agro
ecological conditions. The overall objective of this study was to assess
he available best/good practices related to improved cultivated fodder
production, utilization and marketing by smallholder farmers in the
central highlands crop-1 ivestock production system of Ethiopia. The
! pecific objectives of the study were to investigate the detailed successful
practices and challenges, identify- appropriate approaches to scale up the
lechnology to realize its potential and share this information for upscale
i hese best/good practices to various partners in similar agro-ecologies and
production systems in the sub region.