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Agricultural Mechanization and Food Science

Agricultural Mechanization and Food Science


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  • Kelbessa, Ensermu(eds) (Inter- Church Organization for Development Cooperation (ICCO), 2006)
    Unlike previous years, the 2006 Kiremt flooding was unique in many respects. The wave of floods hit not only traditionally flooded areas of the country, but also new areas where floods were hardly experienced before. ...
  • Oxfam America (The National Climate Change Forum, 2009)
    On January 15, 2009 a National Conference on Climate Change was held at the UNECA (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa) Conference Center in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa. The conference was attended by ...
  • Endries, Mussa(esd); Ayalew, Tarekegn(esd) (Bahir Dar University, 2014)
    Despite commitments to reducing hunger worldwide is enshrined in the first Millennium Development Goal (which has the specific target of halving between 1990 and 2015); and many development programs being implemented by ...
  • Kamil, Ahmed,; Ayalew, Bekele (Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (IQQO), 2017)
    Comparative performance o f two single donkey ploughs types (BAMRC and FARC) were compared on two soil (sandy loam and Silty Clay) type conditions at Haromaya and kombolcha districts. Under the parameters studied Ploughing ...
  • Ethiopian panel on Climate Change (ETHIOPIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 2015)
    The increased frequency of extreme weather events which faced Ethiopia in the 20th century may be one major impetus for enhancing the visibility of climate change issues over the country, Thus, research activities dealing ...
    The notion of food and nutrition has recently been given much attention and practically becomes one of the development concerns to people involved in decision makings. Since the November 1992 International Conference on ...
  • Gebeyehu, Setegn; Khaflz, Muminjanov; Angello, Mwilawa; Kailash, Rijal; Sidhakaran, Subramaniam; Liang, Weili (International Centre for development oriented Research in Agriculture (ICRA), 2002)
    The study was conducted with the aim of analysing food security at household level and the impact of research technologies disseminated by MARC in Arsi Negele Woreda. Based on the output of this study, potential research ...
  • Francis, Baah; Kufa, Taye; Shalander, Kumar; Julius, Okwadi; Efrain, A. Pozo; Zeleke, Africa (International Centre for developInternational Centre for development Jimma Agricultural Research Sustainable Poverty Alleviation oriented Research in Agriculture (ICRA)ment oriented Research in Agriculture, 2000)
    Situated in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ Regional State, Kafa- Sheka Zone is famous for its natural resources, in which semi-domesticated coffee, honey and spices naturally abound. The zone is equally ...
  • Ethiopian Society of Animal Production (ESAP) (Ethiopian Society of Animal Production (ESAP), 1998)
    The challenges to food security and environmental sustainability are so complex that solutions must involve all human resources including women. Evidence shows that food security and agricultural productivity, once ...
  • Mengistou, Seyoum; Kelbessa, Ensermu (Addis Ababa University, 2004)
    It helps to remember that everything is connected. Without adequate natural resources conservation, soils become depleted. Without fertile so.il, food production declines and the threat of hunger increases. Without secure ...
  • Erkossa, Teklu; Hagos, Fitsum; Lefore, Nicole (International Water Management Institute (IWMI), 2013)
    Development planners are now beginning to view spate irrigation as a potential method to adapt to climate change, address g roundwater recharge and provide water for agriculture in otherwise rain-fed-dependent areas. ...
    This Summary for Policy makers follows the structure of Working Group I Report. Working Group I is established by the Ethiopian Panel on Climate Change under the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences to compile and assess ...
  • John H., Sanders; Georgis, Kidane (U.S. Agency for International Development, 1999)
    The Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) includes seven countries o f the Horn o f Africa. Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, and Uganda. The fieldwork reported in this volume is part of ...
  • Alemu, Dawit; Kiyoshi, Shiratori; Kirub, Abebe (Ethiopian Institute of Agriculture Research, 2011)
    Using the cases of genetic resources management involved by local farmer, meaning of seeds for farmers is discussed. Farmers recognize the value of seeds not only based on yield potential and profitability but also based ...
    The Ethiopian economy is largely dependent on agriculture which is largely a "low-input and low-output" subsistence production system. Despite the over 3,000 years of application by the overwhelming majority of the ...
  • ESAP PROCEEDINGS (Ethiopian Society of Animal Production, 1997)
    The Ethiopian Society of Animal production (ESAP) is a professional association which has been legally established on 17 August 1990 with the main objective being to promote animal production through sustained scientific ...
  • Girma, Abenet; Abate, Dawit (Faculty of Science Addis Ababa University, 2009)
    In this paper the author outlines ways in which Save the Children/US (hereafter Save the Children) is re-positioning its food and livelihood security work in the dry lands of Ethiopia in response to seasonality, trends and ...
  • THE NATIONAL FOOD AND NUTRITION STRATEGY FOR ETHIOPIA (Office of the National Committee for Central Planning, 1987)
    The overall objective of the NFNS is to reach a position where access to food (including creating the ability to acquire it) for all Ethiopians is adequate at all times for an active and healthy life. In particular, ic ...
  • Demeke, Mulat; Amha, Wolday; Ehui, Simeon; Zegeye, Tesfaye (Agricultural Economics Society of Ethiopia, 1995)
    A clear understanding of the concept of food security is an essential element to better explore the underlying causes and dimensions of food insecurity. The paper attempts to create a common understanding on the current ...
  • ተከስተ, ክፍሌ; አበበ, አጥላው (የኢትዮጵያ የግብርና ምርምር ኢንስቲትዩት, 2005)
    በሥራ ላይ ያለ የእርሻ መሣሪያዎች አያያዝና አጠቃቀም እንዱሁም ጥገናን በተመለከተ የተለያየ ዕውቀት በልምድና በትምህርት መገኘቱ ይታወቃል፡፡ ሆኖም የእርሻ መሳሪያዎች እንደመለያየታቸው መጠን አጠቃቀማቸውም ሊለያይ ስለሚችል ተጠቃሚዎች ይህንን በመገንዘብ በአጠቃቀም ጉድለት ወይንም በቸልተኝነት አደጋ ሣይፈጠር ሥራን በአግባቡ ለማከናወን ይቻል ...

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