The general purpose of this classification is to arrange
climatic information from past recorded and archived climatic data
in a simplified and comprehensible form so as to assist various
climatic users.
The use of climatic classification is for better understanding
and utilization of the climatic resources of a given region. In
general Climate affects all of us everyday in relation to the crops
we grow, the water we drink, the place where we live, the clothes
we wear, the energy we use in heating or cooling our house, our
health, the quality of the environment, our national economy and in
countless other ways. Understanding the climatic reality of a
place, a region or a country enabls man to do a better job of
weather sensitive activities. In general climate is a major natural
resource which can benefit nearly all human activities. On the
other hand climatic events such as drought, floods or severe cold
spells can adversely affect human activities. Therefore to propose
future directions mainly for practical applications such as
agriculture, health, settlement of people and also for planning,
short, medium and long term economic planning like designing
hydrodams, residential areas and recreational facilities requires
better climatic information. As a result of recurring drought
mainly during the last two decades in some parts of Ethiopia
climatic information has become more demanding than ever before
for the purpose of making better decisions. Thus to generalize the
climatic types and boundaries throughout the country, koeppen
system has been applied on the existing climatological data to
produce a meaningful climatic map.