The.Woretta site is typical of the Fogerra plains which are
inundated from July to September and parts continuing into December.
The area invariably suffers from food shortages. The main field crops
are teff, dagussa and noug grown in June-July and some chickpea, safflower and wheat grown in September/December. The garden crops include
maize, mustard and red pepper. Area and production of these crops
is low due to problems with drainage, diseases and pest.
There is scope for improving the situation of the traditional
crops. Better teff and dagussa can be grown on oxen and hand-made 1 m
raised beds along the contour (some seen locally), using fertilizer.
Teff s m dge may be reduced by using uncontaminated seed and a seed
dressing but more research is needed. The use of residual moisture for
increasing production of crops like chickpea, wheat, safflower, lentil
and lupins needs investigation.
Over the past two years, because of the difficulty in obtaining
staff, the programme has focussed on rice i.e. highland, rainfed rice
(grown in bunded beds on natural rainfall). IS its introduction were
successful it could provide a highly-productive main crop during the
rainy season and offer possibilities for double cropping.