This manual describes the key elements of Participatory Forest Management (PFM).The methods were
developed and adapted for the Ethiopian context during a ten-year period of learning. Various approaches were
used to ensure full participation by all stakeholders. PFM systems are now being established on the ground in
the forests of Ethiopia.
The manual is set out as sequential Guide Sheets so that the user can make easy and quick reference to
specific steps and topics in the PFM process. Each Guide Sheet is illustrated to give a visual representation of
each step in the process. Diagrams and drawings have also been included to illustrate the processes.
Some Guide Sheets give a number of method options and examples. For example, various approaches for
identifying a Forest Management Group are discussed in Guide Sheet 2.This is a reflection of the different
experiences of the organisations involved in developing PFM and the varying circumstances that exist in
different parts of the country. The options described will allow any user of the manual to select the appropriate
methods to work with. Selection of a method should be made after conducting an assessment of the specific
environment, technical capacity and socio-economic context where the PFM work is to be carried out.
This manual can be used as a training manual and field guide. It is aimed at both community forest managers
and forestry professionals.