The Amhara National Regional State (ANRS) is predominantly an agricultural
Region. Agriculture dominates the economy heavily by employing over 90% of the
labour force and contributing about 70% to the Regional Gross Domestic Product.
Despite the hard working nature and discipline of the farming population, productivity
is far too low due to, among others, lack of technology, deteriorating natural resource
base, inadequate institutions and linkages. Population continues to increase while the
carrying capacity of the land has been on the decline.
1.2. Although attempts have been made in the Region to change the situations through
research and related development activities, their impacts on transforming the peasant
agriculture to higher level of productivity have been minimal.
1.3. Cognizant of the significant problems and constraints associated with the
development of the peasant agriculture, the Bureau of Agriculture of the Amhara
National Regional State took a commendable step to get the Regional Agricultural
Research Master Plan (RARMP) and a 20 year action plan formulated. The document
is believed to be instrumental to make an impact on the traditional rain-fed agriculture
through reorganization of the research system to be agro-ecology based, integrated,
multi-disciplinary and demand oriented.
1.4. The overall goal of the Regional Agricultural Research Master Plan (RARMP) is to
contribute to the transformation of the low input smallholder-rainfed-traditional
agriculture into technology based agricultural production and promote agriculture-led
industrialization. The Master Plan will play a central role in achieving this through
promoting researches, providing baseline data and prioritizing actions.
1.5. The Master Plan was prepared in a consultative and participatory manner. The Client
and stakeholders have been enabled to participate in the major steps of planning and
implementation processes of the preparation that included, (i) strategic planning
meeting with heads and senior researchers of the Research Centers, (ii) introduction,
workplan presentation and discussion workshop under the auspices of BOA, (iii)
meeting with the Master Plan Review Committee and (iv) review meetings with the
Research Centers staff on locations.