The Institute of Agricultural Research was officially established as a
semi-autonomous body of the Ethiopian Government by an official
order published in the "Negarit Gazeta” on 23rd February 1966 and
superseded the Department of Research of the Ministry of Agriculture.
By the terms of an agreement between the Imperial Ethiopian Government and the United Nations Development Programme (Special Fund)
signed on llth February 1966, the United Nations undertook to assist
In the establishment of the Institute, particularly in the setting up of
three research stations in different agro-ecological regions of the country. Also a letter of understanding was signed on October 18, 1963 between the Governments of Ethiopia (for the Department of Research
of the Ministry of Agriculture) and the Federal Republic of Germany
to set up an experiment station particularly for oil seeds near Bako,
Wollega Province. This report covers the results of work carried out
f at the above stations up to March 1968.
The official order stated the purpose of the Institute as follows:-
a) The formulation of a national agricultural research policy designed to further the growth and development of agricultural, livestock
and forestry production in Ethiopia and conceived within the framework of overall national development planning; and
b) The implementation of such policy through the conduct of applied research programmes in such specific subject areas as it may determine to be appropriate.