DSpace Repository

Aromatic, Medicinal and Bio-energy

Aromatic, Medicinal and Bio-energy


Recent Submissions

  • Phillips, Sylvia; Hedberg, Inga (ed.); Edwards, Sue (ed.) (The National Herbarium, Addis Ababa University, 1995)
  • Edwards, Sue (ed.); Demissew, Sebsebe (ed.); Hedberg, Inga (ed.) (The National Herbarium, Addis Ababa University, 1997)
  • Hedberg, Inga (ed.); Kelbessa, Ensermu (ed.); Edwards, Sue (ed.); Demissew, Sebsebe (ed.); Persson, Eva; Persson, Eva (ed.) (The National Herbarium, Addis Ababa University, 2006)
  • Hedberg, Inga (ed.); Edwards, Sue (ed.); Nemomissa, Sileshi (ed.) (The National Herbarium, Addis Ababa University, 2003)
  • Tadesse, Mesfin; Hedberg, Inga (ed.); Friis, lb (ed.); Edwards, Sue (ed.) (The National Herbarium, Addis Ababa University, 2004)
  • Edwards, Sue (ed.); Tadesse, Mesfin (ed.); Demissew, Sebsebe (ed.); Hedberg, Inga (ed.) (The National Herbarium, Addis Ababa University, 2000)
  • Yirefu, Firehun; Tafesse, Abera; Zekarias, Yohannes; Mengistu, Leul (Ethiopian Sugar Development Agency Research Directorate, 2009)
    The management o f crop health is essential for the successful cultivation o f sugarcane. This requires long-term strategies and preventive actions following the principles o f integrated pest management. Sugarcane pests ...
  • Mengistou, Seyoum(eds); Kelbessa, Ensermu(eds); Lakew, Mekuria(eds) (Biological Society of Ethiopia, 2005)
    The clinical presentation of TB patients with HIV-infection mainly depends on the stage of HIV infection and can broadly be classified as early and late presentation. The smear-positivity rate among HIV-positive TB ...
  • Woldeab, Getaneh; Aboma, Girma; Aysheshim, Seneshaw; Faye, Tesfaye; Hassen, Yimer; Kassaye, Zerihun (Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization (EARO), 1999)
    The study was carried out by an interdisciplinary team of four researchers from Ambo and Bako Research Centers and two experts from the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA). The overall objective of the survey was to analyze ...
  • Update on HIV/AIDS intervention AND RESEARCH ISSUES (Biological Society of Ethiopia, 2001)
    Studies were performed on a symptomatic HIV-1 positive individuals and AIDS patients to investigate the genetic subtype(s) circulating in different Ethiopian population groups and towns, and to assess the biological ...
  • ትዕግስት, ጀርመን; በዕምነት, መንገሻ; ሙሉቀን, ፊሊጶስ; ምህረት, መኮንን (በኢትዮጵያ የግብርና ምርምር ኢንስቲትዩት, 2008)
    የስጋ መጥበሻ በእንግሊዝኛው አጠራር ሮዝመሪ ሲባል የሳይንሣዊ መጠሪያ ሰሙ ደግሞ (Rosemrainus officinalis L.) ነው፡፡ ሮዝመሪ በሀገራችን ማህበረሰብ ዘንድ የጥብስ ቅጠል ወይም አዝመሪኖ በመባል በስፋት ይታወቃል፡፡ ሮዝመሪ በዕድገት ባህሪው ከቁጥቋጦ ሰብሎች ውስጥ የሚመደብ ሲሆን በዕድገት ዘመኑ ቋሚ ሰብል በመሆኑ በአግባቡ ...
  • Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, 2013)
    Data quality objectives (DQOs) specify requirements for analytical data that are clear and unambiguous concerning the intent of an investigation and the data parameters necessary to achieve that intent. It states as ...
  • Tigist, German; Mengesha, Beemnet; Philiphos, Muluken; Mekonnen, Mihiret (Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, 2016)
    The scientific name of Rosemary is Rosmarinus officinalis. In Ethiopia Rosemary is popular by its local name ‘’Yetebes Ketel” which means a leaf used for roasting; the name arises from its widespread use for seasoning ...
  • Kelemu, Kaleb; Eshete, Girma; Teshome, Busha (Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, 2013)
    The genus Moringa is indigenous to several countries including Ethiopia. It contains many nutrients such as essential vitamins, essential minerals, amino acids, heta-carotene, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory nutrients, ...
  • Mengesha, Beemnet; Mohammed, Omarsherif; Tesema, Tsion; Abate, Solomon (Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, 2009)
    Humankind has been using plant secondary metabolites for over thousands of years as dyes flavors, fragrances (rose oil, lavender oil), stimulants, hallucinogens, insecticides, and for animal and human poisons. In recent ...
  • Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, 2017)
    Globally MAPs species are ranged from 35,000-50,000 in number and out of this 4,000- 6,000 species have entered the world market of medicinal plants and about 100 species have been used as a source of modern drugs. ...
  • Wendie, Hailu; W/Mickel, Kassa (Awash Valley Authority, 1973)
    Tobacco means money. It is not food, clothing or shelter, yet it is the most sovereign weed that ever the earth provided to the use of man. However, as in the case of Rhodesia, tobacco is everything. It the national ...
    Traditional Medicine (TM) is widely used in developing countries (by 80% of the population in Africa) to meet their primary health care needs. The use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is also increasing ...
  • Yirefu, Firehun; Dametie, Ambachew; Negi, Tadesse (Ethiopian Sugar Industry, 2009)
    Field experiment was conducted in the sugarcane plantations of Ethiopia from 2001 to 2004 cropping seasons to determine the optimum upper limit of seedcane age of sugarcane varieties. A three by four factorial combination ...
  • Ethiopian Science and Technology Commission (Ethiopian Science and Technology Commission, 1996)
    The neem tree, Azadirachta indica A. Juss, grows in many parts of our country. Cold water extracts of the powdered decorticated seed (seed kernel) were directly bioassayed on the p e a a p h id , Acyrthos iphone pi ...

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